Our local representatives are sorted below by regions.
If there is not a representative in your area or you are uncertain who to contact,
please contact Kenexis directly at [email protected]
or call us at +1-614-451-7031.
North America
Detection & Measurement Systems
- Region: Texas
- Kenexis: Services and Software
- Contact: Eric Sutton
- Email: Sales@detect-measure.com
- Phone: (713) 541-9800
- Address: 9920 West Sam Houston Parkway South, Ste 430, Houston, Texas 77099
- Website: https://www.detect-measure.com
- Region: Canada
- Kenexis: Services and Software
- Contact: Adrian Petre
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: +(403) 259-9701
- Address: 5636 Burbank Crescent SE, Calgary AB T2H 1Z6
- Website: https://westech-ind.com
- Region: Michigan, Midwest
- Kenexis: Services and Software
- Contact: Jim Parker
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: +1-586-336-0856
- Address: 68950 Powell Rd. Ray MI 48096
- Website: https://ino-tek.com
South America & Central America
- Region: Brazil, Argentina, and Chile
- Kenexis: Services and Software
- Contact: Marcilio Pongitori, Director
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: +55 (19) 3291 6163
- Address: Rua Uruguaiana, 1030 – Conj. 52, Bosque, Campinas – SP, CEP 13026-907
- Website: https://www.dynamiscursos.com.br
Keystone Risk Management Ltd
- Region: Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, The Caribbean, Latin America, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana
- Kenexis: Services and Software
- Contact: Curtis Alexander
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 1-868-678-7162 or 1-868-495-2184
- Address: 134 Marion Court Palmiste, San Fernando, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies
- Website: under construction
Middle East
- Region: United Arab Emirates, Algeria, India, and Iraq
- Kenexis: Services and Software
- Contact: Adam Yousif
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: +971529901955
- Address: 2105 Fortune Executive Towers, Jumeirah Lake Towers, Cluster T, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Australia / New Zealand
Region: Australia and New Zealand
Kenexis: Services and Software
Contact: Paul Ganter
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +64 27 218 7523
Address: 166 Powderham Street, New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand 4310
Website: https://www.sgs.com/en-nz
Pinnacle Instruments
Region: South Africa
Kenexis: Services and Software
Contact: Poon Schoeman
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +2721 7063963
Address: 16 Field Street, Wilbart, Germiston, Gauteng 1401, ZA
Website: http://pinnacleinstruments.co.za
- Region: Turkey & Bulgaria
- Kenexis: Service and Software
- Contact: Sales
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: +90 212 438 46 32
- Address: Tekstilkent Koza Plaza, Block A, Floor: 8 No: 30 34235 Esenler – İstanbul
- Website: http://anar.com.tr
Velocis Solutions
- Region: Azerbaijan
- Kenexis: Service and Software
- Contact: Sales
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: +994502022624
- Address: Dilara Aliyeva 251a, Blok 3, 073, Baku, Azerbaijan AZ1010
- Website: https://velocis-solutions.com/en/
Total Plant
- Region: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Greenland, Finland, Italy, Russia, Kazakhstan, Egypt
- Kenexis: Service and Software
- Contact: Clara Arthur
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: +47 458 313 99
- Address: Selma Ellefsens vei 3, Oslo, Norway
- Website: https://www.totalplant.com
Asia Pacific
- Region: South Korea
- Kenexis: Services and Software
- Contact: Leo Park
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: +82-2-2051-2350
- Address: Suite 1001, 171, Saimdang-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul 06626, Republic of Korea
- Website: http://www.uitsolutions.com
For General Inquiries and Software or Training Quotes please contact us by email at [email protected] or call +1-614-451-7031 or use the form below:
Contact - Kenexis
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