Simplified PHA Management with Clear Pricing, Easy Access & Legacy Study Migration

Open-PHA® by Kenexis redefines Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) software by addressing the frustrations common with competitive products, such as hidden fees, high costs, and restrictive licensing. Unlike other platforms, Open-PHA® offers a transparent pricing structure, with a free desktop version for unlimited use and a premium cloud platform at a fraction of the cost of competitors. Its flexible licensing eliminates barriers to collaboration, allowing multiple users to access and work on studies without extra charges or complications. Open-PHA® also empowers users to maintain full control over their data with exportable, non-proprietary formats, ensuring seamless integration with other tools and no vendor lock-in. Designed by engineers for engineers, Open-PHA® delivers unmatched value and user-friendliness, making it the smart choice for organizations looking for efficiency and cost-effectiveness in PHA, HAZOP, and LOPA studies.


Since Kenexis launched Open-PHA® HAZOP and LOPA software, thousands of users worldwide have made the switch. Our software solves some complicated problems that other PHA software providers have ignored.

Deliberately Different

First, our comprehensive, cloud-based software includes a free desktop version suitable for remote HAZOP and LOPA workshops with limited internet access, but capable of fulfilling most PHA documentation requirements. While the desktop version functions independently as a scaled-down solution, it seamlessly complements the cloud-based version, allowing users to leverage advanced features.

Second, unlike other PHA software, Open-PHA® employs a unique and adaptable data structure, facilitating effortless integration with various tools. This feature enables the creation of dashboards and customized reports.

Third, both the Open-PHA® Cloud and Desktop versions remain up to date automatically at no additional cost. The annual subscription for Open-PHA® Cloud includes free revisions, upgrades and training.

Finally, due to its unique design, Open-PHA® doesn’t restrict your HAZOP and LOPA study data in a cumbersome format. You can easily export your study data for use in other applications.

Open-PHA® screenshot PHA Worksheets

Open-PHA® Desktop

Open-PHA® Desktop is a comprehensive PHA, HAZOP and LOPA software solution available for free download and use on Windows, Mac, and Linux computers.  Storing files locally on your computer, Open-PHA® Desktop enables offline work in remote areas without an internet connection, making it suitable for small shops or budget-conscious contractors. If you decide to transition to the cloud version in the future, the upgrade process is straightforward, unlocking the benefits of cloud-based storage and advanced features offered in Open-PHA® Cloud.

Open-PHA® Cloud

Open-PHA® Cloud utilizes internet-based computing and artificial intelligence to enhance its capabilities. Additional features not only improve the software but also facilitate access with other Kenexis software tools. This includes synchronizing safety instrumented functions from Open-PHA® Cloud to our Vertigo SIS Lifecycle Management tool and exporting PHA scenarios to Bowtie-Qproviding an industry leading unified solution.

Kenexis’ cloud-based software products offer advanced features such as secure storage, sharing, and seamless integration with other Kenexis tools. The storage and sharing capabilities go beyond a simple file storage system. Our secure cloud platform enables controlled access for editing or viewing files at specific sites, corporate levels, and even with third parties. This eliminates the need for emailing files and ensures consistent version control throughout the lifecycle. This becomes particularly crucial when sharing files outside your organization, such as with contract engineering firms.

Configure User Access screenshot

Designed by Engineers for Engineers

Open-PHA® offers support for tailored Templates, Reporting, Risk Matrix, Likelihood Categories, Consequence Categories, Risk Rankings, Nodes, Deviations, HAZOP & LOPA Worksheets, Recommendations, Safeguards, a Parking Lot, and Checklist.

Open-PHA® offers customizable views without modifying the underlying data structure. This approach provides flexibility in how forms are displayed while ensuring customizations don’t disrupt higher-level reporting and data collection due to incompatible file structures.  Open-PHA® also supports both explicit and less common implicit LOPA. In Explicit LOPA, the team establishes a TMEL target based on consequence severity, defines explicit frequencies of cause, and applies frequency modifiers, such as conditional modifiers, enabling events, and probabilities of failure for IPLs. In implicit LOPA, the team operates with the concept of “LOPA credits.”

Adding value with flexibility and consistency

Open-PHA® employs a fully integrated data structure design using a consistent JSON data interchange format, revolutionizing PHA documentation. This design enables tools to present a single set of data in various formats like HAZOP worksheets, LOPA worksheets, or Bow-tie diagrams. The days of struggling with data transfer and manipulation, and worrying about information consistency across multiple files, studies, or data structures are over. This approach allows data from multiple scenarios to be consolidated into more user-friendly hazard registers, visualized with graphical tools like bow-tie diagrams, eliminating the challenges of managing duplicated data across different locations and languages.

Open-PHA® Desktop & Cloud features include:

Open-PHA® Desktop vs Cloud comparison

Migrating PHA Studies to Open-PHA®

We understand that transitioning your PHA studies from other software, including spreadsheets, to secure cloud-based solutions may seem overwhelming and time-consuming. Let us streamline this process by collaborating with you to develop a data migration tool. With this tool, you can effortlessly transfer your PHA studies into Open-PHA®, enabling you to utilize our unified hazard assessment data structure for SIL Verification, Fault-tree Analysis, Quantitative Bowtie Analysis, and SIS Life Cycle Management. Alternatively, if you prefer, we can handle the entire migration process for you at a reasonable cost.

Given that HAZOP and LOPA studies form the cornerstone of process safety documentation, we recognize the importance of easily sharing information across common applications and platforms. Open-PHA® was designed to facilitate the extraction of data from HAZOP and LOPA studies for use in custom software tools, enabling comprehensive analysis and tailored reporting. This approach represents a significant departure from traditional PHA software, where unwieldy file structures have typically restricted third-party access to your data and discourage the use of alternative software tools.

We are committed to assisting you in transitioning from your existing PHA software to Open-PHA® and will provide comprehensive training to ensure a smooth transition process.

Video Demonstration

Below is a comprehensive video demonstrating our Open-PHA® HAZOP and LOPA software.  This video highlights the capabilities, benefits, and unique licensing of both the free desktop version and the premium cloud version.

Open-PHA® Desktop – Download

There is NO CHARGE for Open-PHA® Desktop. Just download it using the link below. System requirements are minimal – Open-PHA® Desktop runs on Mac, Linux, or Windows.

Click here to get started today with Open-PHA® Desktop for free!

Open-PHA® Cloud – Trial Request

Open-PHA® Cloud has an annual subscription price listed below. System requirements – requires a browser on Mac, Linux, or Windows platform, no other requirements.

Click here to request a free 30-day evaluation of Open-PHA® Cloud

Open-PHA® Cloud – Pricing

Open-PHA® Cloud runs in a browser to take advantage of additional cloud-based computing functions to add capabilities that enhance HAZOP and LOPA studies performed in Open-PHA® Desktop. A single concurrent-user license is $2,300 USD/year*.

*Prices shown apply to the United States, Canada and Europe.  Prices in other regions may vary.

Please contact Kenexis for a proposal or visit our online store to buy now and explore bundle pricing.


It is always favorable not to mention a competitor. However, in this case we have used our competitors tools for many years and that is the reason we developed Open-PHA®. Open-PHA® is very comparable to all of the market leaders providing PHA documentation software, including PHAWorks® and PHA-Pro®.

The format and layout of the fields and forms for data entry are all similar.  Open-PHA® is usually considered easier to use and more aesthetic than PHAWorks®, and comparable to PHA-Pro®.  The standard content of studies is very similar between all three of the offerings.

There are two areas of significant difference:

  1. Kenexis Open-PHA® Desktop is free to use, with a single seat enterprise license of Open-PHA® Cloud only costing $2,300 USD per year, which can be less than the maintenance costs for a single desktop license of our competitors software. (Price shown apply to the United States, Canada and Europe.  Prices in other regions may vary.)
  2. The other area of difference is in how we handle data.  PHA-Pro® and PHA-Pro® have customizable database structures that are stored as binary files, whereas Open-PHA® has a fixed standard database structure that is stored as a plain text file.  Open-PHA® provides customization by allowing the user to show or hide fields of the database but cannot change them.  While a customizable database structure may seem like an advantage, it usually causes more problems than in solves because it allows every user and consultant working on your plant to implement their own data structure.  If a single plant has many different database structures, it is impossible for them to aggregate all of the data from all of the studies into a single dashboard.  This is only possible with Open-PHA® Desktop and Cloud because of its fixed, open, and standardized data structure (developed in cooperation with the Purdue Process Safety and Assurance Center of Purdue University).  Additionally, Open-PHA® has a published structure allowing for advanced programming and compiling of data across thousands of PHA records.

Open-PHA® Desktop has very few, if any, limitations in comparison to its competitors.  Open-PHA® Cloud includes a variety of additional features, many of which are not available at all from our competition, including language conversion, and bowtie diagram visualization.

Both packages are designed to work together. Let me explain.

The Open-PHA® Desktop version is a standalone desktop application, which stores files locally on your computer without the need for an internet connection to facilitate work in remote areas.

The licensed Open-PHA® Cloud version of the software runs in a browser and is designed to work with the Desktop versions to provide additional benefits when the user returns to a location where they can access the internet.

Open-PHA® Desktop & Cloud features include:

  • Configurable HAZOP and LOPA Worksheets
  • Configurable Risk Criteria
  • Recommendation Tracking
  • Deep Copy & Paste
  • Search & Replace
  • Implicit & Explicit LOPA Support
  • Cross-Platform Support (Windows/Mac/Linux)

Open-PHA® Cloud added features:

  • Requires Internet Connection
  • Study / Facility Dashboard
  • Revision Manager
  • Integration with Vertigo SIS Lifecycle Management
  • One Click Report Generating from Custom *.DOCX Template
  • Study Content Translation
  • Bowtie Generation
  • Import options from PHA-Pro®and PHAWorks®
  • Share and Collaborate with Project Teams

Putting the software through its paces can be done very easily, at no cost.

You simply need to go to the Open-PHA® software page on our web site and download Open-PHA® Desktop version of the software at no cost.

You can also request a 30-day trial license of Open-PHA® Cloud on the same page.

Yes, both versions of Open-PHA® are updated frequently and actively maintained.  Our software is developed using a CI/CD process meaning updates come more frequently that with legacy desktop software.

Open-PHA® Cloud will always be up to date as it is a web application.

Open-PHA® Desktop will check for updates when you open the application if you are connected to the internet.  If an update is found it will download it in the background and install the update the next time Open-PHA® is closed.

There is no end-of-life plan for Open-PHA®.

The software is still early in its lifecycle (launched in 2017) and we are actively introducing new features.

In Open-PHA® Cloud, licensing is done under a concurrent user licensing model.

Concurrent licensing allows any number of users access to the software simultaneously up to the number of concurrent user licenses that you purchase.

Unlicensed, view-only access is free and unlimited. You set up a user account or invite a user for anyone who you would like to have view-only access.

Concurrent user model only applies to users who need editor privileges.

The two versions of Open-PHA® are intended to be used together.

Open-PHA® Desktop provides the basic functionality you would be expected to need to during a facilitation session without the need for an internet connection.

Open-PHA® Cloud provides additional features only available in the Kenexis Integrated Safety Suite like our premium reporting tools, dashboard, integration with SIS Lifecycle Management software, revision management, bowtie diagram generation, etc.

The way that product is intended to be used is for Open-PHA® Desktop to be used during a facilitation, where internet connection may be unreliable or unavailable, then for the study to be uploaded to Open-PHA® Cloud when you are back in the office and have reliable internet for finalizing the study and generating a report.  In addition, read-only access to Open-PHA® Cloud is no-cost, so you can share access to your studies with colleagues and clients easily without having to worry about someone modifying of deleting files.  This is how our engineers and Kenexis use of the software and how I suspect most of our users are using it as well.

To move studies between the desktop and the cloud, you can use the study import/export tool described in section 3.2.3 of the KISS Project Manager User’s manual at the following link.

Additionally, if you are revalidating an existing study, you can “import and a working revision” from the premium tools menu in Open-PHA® cloud.  This overwrites the currently working revision of a study as described in Section 5.5 of the Open-PHA® User’s Manual at the following link.

No, our software is not tied to Excel or Microsoft in any way.  In fact, Open-PHA® Desktop is cross-platform. It runs on Mac and Linux as well.

Open-PHA® Desktop and Cloud are integrated HAZOP and LOPA software used to record HAZOP and LOPA to determine SIL requirements in accordance with IEC 61511.  However, Open-PHA® alone does not provide all of the functionality required to comply with IEC 61511.  Open-PHA® Cloud is integrated with our SIS Lifecycle Management software Vertigo.  While Open-PHA® Desktop can be used for SIL determination, Vertigo can be used to perform the remaining SIS Lifecycle tasks like SIL Verification, SRS Development and bypass/testing tracking during the operational phases of the lifecycle.  Our Vertigo software is built around and implements the recommended practices from ISA on implementation of the IEC/ISA 61511 standard.

Our platform can provide the functionality you have described.

Open-PHA® software provides the HAZOP, LOPA and SIL determination functionality.

In addition, Open-PHA® Cloud is integrated with our Vertigo SIS Lifecycle Management software. Vertigo software extends the functionality of Open-PHA® Cloud to allow you to perform SIL Verification calculations, develop Safety Requirement Specifications and track the performance of a Safety Instrumented System through the life of the system.

Unfortunately, PHA-Pro® is proprietary software, and Kenexis is unable to read those files. However, you can import them using the Open-PHA® Cloud version.

Open-PHA® supports translations to languages automatically. This is done by looking at the default language for your operating system or your web browser.

There is not a way for the user to manually change the language.

Currently we have support for three languages: English, Chinese and Portuguese.

We support Chinese and Portuguese because there is high demand for our software in China and Brazil where many users do not speak English as a second language.

If you have another language needed, please let us know using the Contact section at the bottom of this page and we will try to accommodate.

You can share your desktop with others using any type of remote conferencing.
Open-PHA® Cloud, versus Open-PHA® Desktop, adds additional premium features listed below.
Open-PHA® Cloud added features:
  • Requires Internet Connection
  • Study / Facility Dashboard
  • Revision Manager
  • Integration with Vertigo SIS Lifecycle Management
  • One Click Report Generating from Custom *.DOCX Template
  • Study Content Translation
  • Bowtie Generation
  • PHAWorks Import
  • Share and Collaborate with Project Teams

The last item “Share and Collaborate with Project Teams” is designed to facilitate corporate settings where multiple people want to review and alter findings, recommendations, etc.

If you use Open-PHA® Cloud for a meeting, you still share your desktop via the web conferencing tool you use like Microsoft Teams or Zoom. But, you will be sharing a browser session requiring an Internet connection the entire time.
We suggest you use Open-PHA® Desktop for the actual PHA facilitation and recording, that is why it was created as a no-cost download. Then later if you want the added features, you can upgrade to Open-PHA® Cloud for the added features.

Files can be exported from PHA-Pro® and PHAWorks® and imported into Open-PHA®.  This video explains the process for exporting/importing PHA-Pro® files to Open-PHA®.  If your data is consistent between studies and your organization is confident in doing the migration itself then this can be a good option.  However, since PHA-Pro® allows users to change its underlying data structure this task can become challenging if each study is done differently.  Kenexis offers a data migration service to assist with this process if needed.  We will work with you to build a customized data migration tool and manage the entire process to ensure that your data migration happens with minimal/zero data loss.

Both the Desktop and Cloud versions of Open-PHA® allow you to customize the risk matrix and risk criteria for your study.  Open-PHA® supports 5 risk ranking categories (safety, environment, asset, community, and reputation).  Each category can be customized as needed.  You can learn more about how to customize the risk criteria at the video link below.

Using Open PHA – Section 4.1 – Risk Criteria Overview – YouTube

Using Open PHA – Section 4.2 – Likelihood Categories – YouTube

Using Open PHA – Section 4.3 – Consequence Categories – YouTube

Using Open PHA – Section 4.4 – Risk Rankings – YouTube

Using Open PHA – Section 4.5 – Risk Matrix – YouTube

Open-PHA® can calculate risk ranking before safeguards, after safeguards, and after recommendations.  In the PHA (HAZOP) Worksheet, the is done the traditional (qualitative) way, where the likelihood is based on the judgment of the PHA team.  Open-PHA® is an integrated PHA/LOPA application which means that for each PHA scenario, you can also have a linked LOPA scenario.  If a PHA scenario is marked as requiring LOPA on the PHA Worksheet it will then appear on the LOPA Worksheet where the scenario can be analyzed quantitatively, considering the frequency of the cause and probability of failure for each safeguard/IPL.

Open-PHA® does not currently support sending email to owners of action items.

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